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Screensaver not working on Win 10 – Microsoft Community

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20 Awesome Screensavers for Windows – Make Tech Easier.


Great if the thing worked. Screensaver Filename: 3D Pipes. Some of my clients will be happy with this screensaver. I loved having this screensaver as a kid except that its slightly different I’d have given it 5 stars.

I like it, but for some reason it flickers and blinks. Is it because I use Windows 10? Other than that, it’s a great screensaver! Very nice, but on my system Windows 7 Professional it doesn’t start itself.

I selected that it should start after one minute, waited three minutes and nothing happend. If I start it manually it works fine. This one worked great on both of my computers,1 running Windows 10 and 1 running windows 7 that is running 2 monitors and separate 3-D pipes screensaver windows. I downloaded the. Btw I am using windows 7, and I probably won’t remember to check this so DM me on Instagram, griffni. Right-clicking the screensaver file and selecting “Install” has the added benefit that it will automatically open the Screen Saver Settings panel, so you could try that even after moving the file to your Windows folder.

Screensavers Planet: To the best of our knowledge, this is the Windows 98 version of the 3D Pipes screensaver, and only the Windows version contained the teapot easter eggs.

Unfortunately, Microsoft allegedly has a ‘no Easter Eggs’ policy now. Screensavers Planet: Unfortunately, there have been many complaints about flickering on Windows 10 for all kinds of full-screen programs, including games and screensavers. Please try updating your graphics drivers to the latest version. Not working properly on Windows 10, it flickers and its annoying. However, didn’t have any problems with Windows 8.

Best screensaver ever. Used to have it back in the day on my windows XP, and now I can have it everywhere! Have a question or problem? Please post it on our message board no registration. Free 0. Message board Is your question not listed? When this happens you can’t simply disable the screensaver by moving your mouse. This is a bug that may or may not happen in some moments, say, once or twice a month. Another issue with this screensaver is that it should be in the original aspect ratio, not I use a x old monitor , or fill our screen regardless of what we are using.

When the screensaver does the latter it is stretched. This is a bad idea, even if in the original AR we are forced to see two black bars at the sides, it would have been better if had been presented this way.

Finally, if you look into the original Johnny Castaway screensaver you’ll see some options like disabling clouds, background, etc. It was available back then when you installed in Windows There are a few Youtube videos showing these original options. I miss them here. One last comment: I wonder if this Windows 10 modification can also work like the original one in Windows Ever Nostalgia Nerd YT channel explaining how random this screensaver can be, the original used a settings file which you could edit.

At least here for Win10 I couldn’t find such file. So I believe all possible scenarios from this screensaver aren’t available here. Even though I saw this changing on St. Patrick’s Day, that doesn’t mean the screensaver is considering multiple days running. The original one changed based on how many days it was running. It’s possible this one it’s showing the same stuff whenever it runs.

I had Johnny on my PC, years ago. It was the most entertaining thing in the office. People used to gather round, at lunchtime, just to watch his antics.

Yes, you read that right, they watched a screensaver! Here is a portable version of the same screensaver on this site, will not conflict with existing DOSBox installs as it uses its own. Works in Win Back in time I had this on wnds 3. I used to pass hours just watching Johnny eating seagulls and making his boat and throwing coconuts to the airplane Really nice memory’s. I hope sierra can make an effort to make another version of this. This has always been my favorite screensaver.

But now, since Windows 7 is going to be obsolete in January, I wonder.. I hate to lose this. Update: I’m sad that he doesn’t do as much as he used to. I realize that it’s not updating anymore, but I thought he’d continue to do all the things he did before. I still like it. It’s just disappointing to watch him do the same few things over and over.

I have automated this setup It extracts the dosbox, adds the screensaver to win directory. Runs a powershell which sets the screensaversettings in the registry. The only thing you have to do is select the screensave “Johnny castaway” in your windows. It never quite repeats itself, it’s always amusing, he has LOADS of little adventures, one of the best screen savers ever! I don’t know if anything will ever quite top it and I don’t even know who wrote it.

Full marks from me! Update it. Johnny was one of my first introductions into computer capability and I even occasionally would speak to him as though a co-conspirator at school.

The program should be updated and expanded. Bildschirmschoner — Herbst Bilder Herbstlaub — autumn leaves. Der freeware Herbst Bildschirmschoner zeigt eindrucksvolle Herbst Bilder. Herbst Bildschirmschoner free download ». Frohe Ostern Ostern Bildschirmschoner kostenlos. Zum Gratis download. Great job!! Impressive Work Sir! Freaking awesome.

Like it. This screensaver is great! Simple but yet fully functional. Very customizable. I Love it Thank You. Still 2 stars – for as long as it worked it looked as supposed and was well nice.

I am very impressed! Bit jerky on a 3 screen set up but a lot of fun to have, I need to watch the matrix again. Just great one. Simply awesome! Great until it actually fills three screens, then it comes to a crawl. Pretty brilliant. I guess its ok. Absolutely LOVE it :. It is soooooooooooo good I will download it.

Cool screen saver! I like it. This one is awesome always wanted it so thanks again. It’s blurry and all the numbers, letters and symbols are backwards. Absolutely Brilliant 😀 😀 :D. Amazing, thank you. Love it, one of the first things I install on a fresh machine. Works great on Win 7 and three monitors. Does not work with multiple screens :. I loved it, it’s just beautiful and customizable.



Screensavers for Microsoft Windows: Free Downloads.


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Most screensavers will run on any modern version of Windows, from XP and Vista up to Windows 7, 8, 10 and Screensavers Bildschirmechoner » Screensavers Screensavers for Windows Sort by popularity weekly Sort by user rating Sort by price bildschjrmschoner Sort by price high-low Bildschirmschoner windows 10 by date new-old Sort by date old-new Sort by name a-z Sort by name z-a Showing of 1, screensavers clear filters. Fliqlo Flip Clock ,x Free, for Windows.

The Matrix ,x Free, for Windows. Underwater 82,x Free, for Windows. Living Marine Aquarium 2 ,x Free, for Windows. Flip Clock 49,x Free, for Windows. Another Matrix ,x Здесь, for Windows. Hyperspace 74,x Free, for Windows. Padbury Clock 79,x Free, for Windows. Helios ,x Free, for Windows. Bildschirmschoner windows 10 required. Retro Sci-Fi 77,x Free, for Windows. Countdown 27,x Free, for Windows. System 47 36,x Free, for Windows.

Dream Nildschirmschoner 50,x Midnight Beach 78,x Free, for Windows. Johnny Castaway 52,x Free, for Bildschrmschoner. Digital Clock-7 36,x Free, for Windows. Fireflies 12,x Free, for Windows. Bildschirmschoner windows 10 results By operating system Microsoft Windows We use cookies to show you personalized content and ads. By using Screensavers Planet, you agree to this use.

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