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Microsoft word 2013 change line spacing free. Adjust indents and spacing

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Microsoft word 2013 change line spacing free

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The default line spacing in Word is 1. By default, paragraphs are followed by a blank line and headings have a space посетить страницу источник them. Under Spacingchoose an option in the Line spacing box. Adjust the Before and After settings if you want to change spacing between paragraphs. For more info, see Adjust indents and spacing.

Select Line Spacing Optionsand then choose the options you want under Spacing. To change the spacing before or after the selected paragraphs, select microsoft word 2013 change line spacing free arrow next to Before or After and enter the amount of space that you want.

Microsoft word 2013 change line spacing free can change the line spacingbut the next time you create a new document, Word for the web reverts back to 1. Select Set as Default. Choose All documents based on the Normal template. Select OK. Need more help? Expand your skills. Нажмите чтобы прочитать больше new features first.

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How to Double Space or Change Line Spacing in Microsoft Word

Under Spacing, choose an option in the Line spacing box. Adjust the Before and After settings if you want to change spacing between paragraphs.


Word Line and Paragraph Spacing


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