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Metroid pc game free download.Super Metroid Download | GameFabrique

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If the Metroid ever got loose, the alien will be able to destroy other innumerable systems. Samus Aran will have to destroy the Pirates, as well as their alien enforcers, Ridley and Kraid. And release the planet from the alien life-form before the pirates put their plans of world destruction into the action. Browse games Game Portals. Install Game. Browse By Download 1 MB. Description of Metroid Redemption Read Full Description Metroid Redemption is a great fanmade platformer set in the universe of Metroid , Nintendo’s immensely popular series.

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Super Metroid is a superbly crafted multi-multi-multi-level i. The basic premise is search, destroy, find, use, and search again. And don’t forget the brain cells — you’ll need ’em! Samus unwillingly acquired a pet Metroid at the end of Metroid II for the Game Boy, but back at the research station, the cute little fella goes berserk, sprouts wings, crashes the station, and heads straight for its homeworld, Planet Zebes.

Samus arrives on the scene to discover that somehow, within the space of two minutes, the Metroid has repopulated the entire planet. The awesome lead-in story really sets the mood, but don’t expect more cinema unless you pass the game. Planet Zebes covers some familiar territory, but fortunately most of it’s either all new or redesigned from previous versions. You traverse numerous worlds, each with varying presentations of different themes and motifs such as rain or fire.

Many levels look alike, but at least the background colors change. The all-new automapping feature is infinitely helpful and makes a potentially frustrating game accessible to a far wider audience. ProTip: Once you have a new Item, backtrack to collect all the power-ups you couldn’t reach eariier in the level. Super Metroid’s huge array of gunnery doesn’t disappoint.

All the classic cannons, such as the Freeze Beam and the Rolling Bombs, are back, plus some all-new lasers, such as a rope-swing a la Castlevania IV. There are also new powers, including a deadly bulldozing dash attack a la Mega Man X. Many power-ups are lifted from other SNES games, but who cares? The only really cheesy element is that instead of all-new weapons for every situation, some weapons are just enhanced versions of familiar items that really don’t add much to the game like the Super Missiles and the Super Bombs.

The techniques and maneuverability of the Samus character are pretty much old hat, which means precise controls but a somewhat floaty, out-of-control feeling when you jump. That’s okay, though, as all the controller buttons are used to move Samus and aim her weapons. Tighter maneuvers in the air, a less awkward way to aim diagonally, a way to use her regular gun and optional weapons simultaneously, and a less frustrating wall spring would have tightened up the action.

Visually, SM sets a wonderfully appropriate and dark mood — no pastel colors or painting plumbers here. However, the closer you look at the backgrounds, the more they look eight-bit rather than bit. Not only that, the pix get reused mucho. That’s okay, though; it’s better to have the 24 megs invested in game play. The soundtrack is also fairly somber and subdued, yet really cool at the same time. The music could have had more orchestral flair, but it doesn’t grate at all and really complements the theme.

The sounds are also great, and there’s even some corny memory-wasting voice at the start of the game. Super Metroid really delivers what Nintendo has always promised — deep, involving game play that’ll occupy you for dozens of hours. There’s certainly more Metroid territory to be explored, like controller-motion techniques or a wider variety of graphics, but heck, Nintendo isn’t working on Project Reality for nothing. You better grab this one before a Metroid latches onto you!

Super Metroid is a 2D side-scrolling action-adventure game and is the 3rd game in the Metroid video game series. Samus, an intergalactic bounty hunter, is the protagonist and playable character in Super Metroid.

The story follows her attempt to save the baby from the hands of evil space pirates on planet Zebes and destroy them once and for all. Whether she is successful or not is up to you as you take control of her and fight enemies using powerful weapons and abilities.

We won’t spoil the story for you but just know that it’s tense, exciting, and full of surprises. There’s plenty of action waiting for you around every corner. These abilities take the form of both power-ups and suit upgrades, including some of the following: Speed Booster, Grappling Beam, and Power Bombs.

As you progress through the game and unlock new abilities and map areas, you’ll come across both major and minor bosses before encountering a powerful final boss at the end of the game. All the bosses are unique and will require you to use different abilities to take them down, so be prepared for a challenge. Ultimate, which just goes to show how popular the Metroid franchise really is.

Super Metroid is widely regarded as one of the best 2D action-adventure games around, and for good reason. The controls are super easy to get the hang of and the gameplay is incredibly fun, providing plenty of satisfying and memorable moments.

Also, the map is enormous, and there’s so much to explore and discover without it being overwhelmingly complex. Overall, Super Metroid gives players an incredible experience and is a classic that everyone should try out at some point in their lives. Easily one of the best action-adventures ever. Six massive zones and tons of hidden extras combine with smooth game play and state-of-the-art graphics. Question: I need your help. My friend says that you can rescue your friends, the three little hopper guys and the Dachola bird, after beating the Mother Brain and escaping.

I can’t figure out how. Can you help? Answer: Yup. Shore can. If you’re very quick and you have time, make a quick detour as you work your way back to the surface of Zebes and return to the room where you found the Bomb. The Dachola and the three Etecoons are there, trapped by a wall on the far right side of the room. Blast the wall, then high-tail it out of there yourself. It affects the ending, but just barely – if you look very closely at the right side of the screen while your ship races away and Zebes explodes, you should see another ship leaving as well, very tiny in the distance.

Steps: 1. After beating the Mother Brain, just before you make it to the surface of Zebes, take the low road to the room where you found the Bomb. You find the Dachola and three Etecoons there, trapped behind a wall.

Destroy the wall, then get the heck out of there! You see a very slightly Migrant ending, with the Dachola’s ship speeding away in the distance as you flee the planet.

Now this is more like it! Super Metroid has Nintendo doing what it does best – mixing smooth, complex game play with state-of-the art graphics and sound. But with Nintendo, game play always comes first, no matter how pretty the pictures look.


Metroid pc game free download.Super Metroid


From Steve Bland of Sherherdsville, Kentucky, comes this tip to get all your weapons and turn Samus into a woman from the start. Thanks for that one, Steve. Published by Nintendo of America Inc.

The Galactic Federation and the pirates of planet Zebes are at war. The pirates have stolen an unfamiliar form of life, newly discovered on the planet SR This life-form created by “Metroid” is a kind of suspended animation and was the cause of the entire destruction of the origin planet. If the Metroid ever got loose, the alien will be able to destroy other innumerable systems. Samus Aran will have to destroy the Pirates, as well as their alien enforcers, Ridley and Kraid.

And release the planet from the alien life-form before the pirates put their plans of world destruction into the action. Browse games Game Portals. Install Game. Click the “Install Game” button to initiate the free file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game.

Game review Downloads Screenshots 46 Cheats 6. Overall rating: 8. GameFabrique Metroid Games , Metroidvania Games.


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Whether she is successful or not is up to you as you take control of her and fight enemies using powerful weapons and abilities. We won’t spoil the story for you but just know that it’s tense, exciting, and full of surprises. There’s plenty of action waiting for you around every corner. These abilities take the form of both power-ups and suit upgrades, including some of the following: Speed Booster, Grappling Beam, and Power Bombs. As you progress through the game and unlock new abilities and map areas, you’ll come across both major and minor bosses before encountering a powerful final boss at the end of the game.

All the bosses are unique and will require you to use different abilities to take them down, so be prepared for a challenge. Ultimate, which just goes to show how popular the Metroid franchise really is.

Super Metroid is widely regarded as one of the best 2D action-adventure games around, and for good reason. The controls are super easy to get the hang of and the gameplay is incredibly fun, providing plenty of satisfying and memorable moments. Also, the map is enormous, and there’s so much to explore and discover without it being overwhelmingly complex.

Overall, Super Metroid gives players an incredible experience and is a classic that everyone should try out at some point in their lives. Easily one of the best action-adventures ever.

Six massive zones and tons of hidden extras combine with smooth game play and state-of-the-art graphics. Question: I need your help. My friend says that you can rescue your friends, the three little hopper guys and the Dachola bird, after beating the Mother Brain and escaping. I can’t figure out how. Can you help?

Answer: Yup. Shore can. If you’re very quick and you have time, make a quick detour as you work your way back to the surface of Zebes and return to the room where you found the Bomb. The Dachola and the three Etecoons are there, trapped by a wall on the far right side of the room. Blast the wall, then high-tail it out of there yourself.

It affects the ending, but just barely – if you look very closely at the right side of the screen while your ship races away and Zebes explodes, you should see another ship leaving as well, very tiny in the distance. Steps: 1. After beating the Mother Brain, just before you make it to the surface of Zebes, take the low road to the room where you found the Bomb.

You find the Dachola and three Etecoons there, trapped behind a wall. Destroy the wall, then get the heck out of there! You see a very slightly Migrant ending, with the Dachola’s ship speeding away in the distance as you flee the planet. Now this is more like it! Super Metroid has Nintendo doing what it does best – mixing smooth, complex game play with state-of-the art graphics and sound.

But with Nintendo, game play always comes first, no matter how pretty the pictures look. Instead of settling for standard side-scrolling action carts, it creates new worlds to discover.

That theme is clearly illustrated in each of the company’s top lines of games: Mario , Zelda , and, of course, Metroid. Action fens can’t afford to miss Super Metroid.

Even if you blow your lid and get frustrated with a boss or something, you still won’t be able to put down this cart for more than a few minutes. Fans of the NES and Game Boy Metroid carts know what I mean – every time you find a hidden item or a new room, you can’t stop playing until you’ve found just one more thing! Then another, then another, and soon you forget about food and sleep and work and school Lives have probably been ruined, but, hey, those are the breaks. The auto-mapping feature which charts your progress through the game is a new addition and you really need it.

Super Metroid is a sign that Nintendo is finally staking a claim on its share of the bit market Loyal SNES fans have had to wait too long for a game of this caliber: If Sega can pump out four or five Sonic titles in a year, why does it take Nintendo so long to get its top stuff out?

If you’re a true Nintendo fan – someone who’s been with the company since the beginning – then you know the music. You know the helmet. You know, as Jeff Lundrigan says, those child-bearing hips. Metroid was one of the first NES games, but fans have had to wait years for additional installments. Super Metroid proves the wait was worth it. Still, why’d it take so long? To find out, Game Players went straight to the top, to Yoshio Sakamoto, the director of the project.

From the initial idea to final approval took approximately half a year. Then the programming of the game itself took two years to complete. The main staff consisted of 15 people”. One of the surprising things about Super Metroid is how closely the game follows those that have come before. The music is a great bit version of the old tunes, and you even visit some areas you’ve traveled through before.

This is great for fans that get an almost seamless transition from the previous games, and it proved beneficial to the design team as well. We felt it would add a sense of familiarity to the game that would please former players, and the new sections also give a much greater sense of drama to the game. Super Metroid isn’t a harder game, but it’s a deeper, more involved game with a more dramatic overtone”.

One of the major considerations was the large map and how to organize the amount of graphic data involved. One of the new ideas was to put in many mini-adventures. Thus, the major goal was how to create an effective mix of all the separate elements. We believe that we have almost completely succeeded in our objective”. Nintendo’s obviously betting hard on it as well. The initial reaction when the game went on sale in Japan was extremely positive, and expectations here are just as high.

The fact that Nintendo players have been waiting close to forever for a new Zelda or Mario game isn’t going to hurt sales, either, although Sakamoto points out that the lack of new games in those series had nothing to do with the timing of Super Metroid.

He’s also not concerned that the controversy over game violence will cause any negative backlash on the game – it’s Nintendo, after all. Her purpose is to maintain peace and to get the Metroid back where it belongs. It’s not violence for the sake of violence”. And, finally, the question every developer is getting asked: Will there be a Metroid for Project Reality?

But for now, Super Metroid isn’t just another action game, but the action game players have been waiting for”. I was a big time addict to the original, and this game brought back so many good memories for me.

The graphics are cool and the plotting is very dramatic. The control is crisp and clear, and the multitude of weapons is a great addition. My only complaint is, for some reason, this game seems a bit smaller.

Maybe it’s because of the map Anyway if you own a Super NES, this is definitely a must-have. It’s great! I have never played a more addicting sci-fi game. This is as close to perfection as any game can get. Graphics: impressive! Music and sound: ultra-cool! Game play: awesome! The combinations of weapons and items Samus can use give the game variety. The multiple endings are also cool!

This game is awesome! The game the world has been waiting for has finally arrived. The original 8-Bit Metroid was fantastic and this one certainly does it justice. The lengthy quest and sheer number of hidden items, and the great background tunes add up to one wild adventure. The auto map is a cool feature, but can make the game quite easy, unlike the 8-Bit Metroid. Overall, no one should be disappointed with this incredible game.

Yes, it’s finally here! As a faithful player of the NES version, I have to admit, this sequel blows it away. It comes back with more power-ups and weapons that will I surely be helpful against the creatures and huge Bosses that lurk within. As for the mazes, you will eventually get lost if you don’t keep track of where you’re going. Awesome background music and I riveting sound effects. Graphics are too cool to miss!

Camus has finally made it to the Bit realm! This title takes place right after the first two games as documented in the intro , where a baby Metroid has followed Samus back home, and it was then tested for human use.

Suddenly, the base was attacked, and the baby was stolen. Samus can as always rely on her cannon to defend herself, but as she explores the planet ZDR, she will get her hands on new equipment that will help her uncover the truth about her mission.

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