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– Autodesk maya 2015 documentation 自由

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Autodesk Maya の動作環境 | Maya | Autodesk Knowledge Network – l10n_strings.ADD_TO_A_COLLECTION


Workflows and use cases. Harnessing the power of rigging in Maya. Watch now video: min. Creating a 3D animated sequence remotely. Read the blog. Spreading awareness on climate change. Read the story. When to choose Maya or 3ds Max.

Explore each product’s strengths. Read story. We can use our skills to get the most out of the models, to deliver the best possible digital humans.

USD in Production at Animal Logic. Learn more. Frequently asked questions FAQs. What is Maya used for? Who uses Maya? Maya vs 3ds Max. Can I install Maya on multiple computers?

How do I convert my Maya free trial to a paid subscription? How much does a Maya subscription cost? See more. See less. Support and learning. Additional Resources. For complete instructions about uninstalling and installing this product see: Maya Installation Help To learn about new features in this release see: What’s New in Maya For complete documentation and resources, see: www.

What’s Fixed? Bug Number. Animation Character. Fixed an issue with blendShape DG evaluation. Animation General. Skinning : some vertices change position after skinning. GraphEditor : file will not save after changing keys in graph editor. Collider : full DAG name not recognized, causing name clashing. Bifrost : Address overwriting user caches. Update FBX SDK to version Fixed an issue with libc. Update to OpenSSL 1. mental ray for Maya patch cannot be uninstalled correctly. Speed up Maya patch install time.

mental ray. Fixed the initial delay before first image when progressive rendering. GPU cache deforming animation does not change during batch rendering. Remove the little white frame when progressive rendering. lib missing from mentalray devkit mel triggers error about missing control. Multiple Representation. Fixed a crash when opening a legacy scene with mental ray area light.

MPxShaderOverride not always consolidating. Transparent instances are being drawn twice in the legacy pipeline. Allow for API access to shared QGLWidget to allow customer widgets to share GL contexts. Fixed an issue with soft selection not working on guides. Due to limitations in the viewport and some missing libraries, the viewport mesh shader will not resemble the MR render for the bifrostLiquidMaterial.

Vorticity is not supported in the viewport and diffuse weight remap is handled differently. The default value of 0. Workaround : To generate voxels, either lower the Master Voxel Size or increase the size of the sphere. Bifrost scene is getting evaluated over and over during batch render when runup is enabled. This is a one-time decision and applies to all additional products that you request access to through your Autodesk Education account.

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The example plug-in footPrintNode demonstrates how to use these methods: it switches to display a bounding box when user interaction is detected for example, when the camera is tumbling. MFrameContext has additional static methods that test for display preferences:. MFrameContext has an additional member method, getCurrentCameraPath , which can be used to determine the path to the camera that is being used to render the current frame.

MFrameContext has a new method renderingDestination that queries the destination for rendering. This can be used, for instance, to identify the viewport panel that is being rendered to; or, to distinguish between rendering to the render view or to an image on disk. MDrawContext allows for a copy of the current color or depth target to be created via these methods, respectively:. MDrawContext has a new method getInternalTexture that gets an internal texture as specified by the InternalTexture enumeration.

Currently, this allows for getting the current transparent depth layer and the opaque depth layer used in depth-peeling transparency. The dx11Shader effects file AutodeskUberShader. fx demonstrates the usage of this method. MPassContext has three new pass semantics, respectively: kTransparentPeelSemantic , kTransparentPeelAndAvgSemantic and kTransparentWeightedAvgSemantic.

fx demonstrates the usage of these three pass semantics. A new plug-in is available that demonstrates the usage of this API for caching scene renders viewRenderOverrideFrameCache. Texturing Enhancements. MTexture supports updating a rectangular sub-region. The MTexture::update method has an optional region argument which can be used to specify the region to be updated. If no region is specified, then the entire texture is updated. The sample plug-in hwApiTextureTest demonstrates sample code which inverts the colors for a sub-region of a texture.

contextNodeFullName is an input argument, expecting the full name of the node that owns the file. The original function without this argument remains, but has been deprecated. layerName and alphaChannelIndex are new optional arguments that can be used to load layers and alpha channels from PSD files. These arguments are only used when loading PSD files. contextNodeFullName is an input argument expecting the full name of the node that owns the file.

MViewportRenderer and MViewport2Renderer changes. A filter enum with the same name has also been added to MViewportRenderer. However, MViewportRenderer has been deprecated and you should switch to using an MRenderOverride instead. MPxSubSceneOverride Enhancements. The performance gain of rendering many instances via one render item can be substantial compared to creating one render item per instance. If the shader applied and the video card you are using both support GPU instancing, then Maya will render multiple instances of the render item using this feature.

Instance transforms can be added one at a time, which allows for efficient individual updates or removals using the returned instance identifier. Alternatively, the transforms of all instances can be set in a single call via a matrix array.

Similarly, per-instance float data can be associated with a parameter on the shader instance one instance at a time, or all at once via a float array. MPxSubSceneOverride has a new interface that indicates that further update calls are required. The method furtherUpdateRequired can be overridden in derived classes for this purpose. The plug-in example code for apiMeshSubSceneOverride provides a simple example that uses this interface. During a transparency pass, render items will be called to draw once.

MPxDrawOverride Enhancements. Use these methods to construct and use geometry and shaders that support both OpenGL and DirectX11 with a single code path, similar to how MPxSubSceneOverride plug-ins operate.

In this situation, using update should be more efficient and require fewer copy operations on the data. If the internal buffer had not previously been allocated via a call to commit, the buffer will be allocated. If the specified parameters require a larger buffer than had previously been allocated, the buffer will be reallocated to the new size. This allows for more reliable readback of Maya hardware buffers while also directly interacting with the native graphics API.



– Autodesk maya 2015 documentation 自由

Linux 上の Maya のプラグインとスタンドアロン アプリケーションをコンパイルするには、リリースされている gcc コンパイラを使用します。 GTMF Autodesk Maya;大人気!カスタム・グラフエディタと便利ツールをPythonで!! | ダイキン工業株式会社. Aug. 24, • 7 likes • 2, views 今回の発表に伴いAutodesk Subscriptionユーザーに対しては、Mayaもしくは3ds Maxに無料で移行できるという特別オプションを提供し、移行後もSoftimageの