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Altium designer 17 multiboard free download

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基板をクリックすると、セレクション色(デフォルトは、緑色)でハイライト表示されます。そして、カラーの矢印とアークが表示されます。これらのカラーの矢印とアークは、 Dexigner Gizmo と呼ばれます。基板をクリック、ドラッグして移動できます。. Age of empires. This page looks at the multi-board assembly document — the physical representation of printed circuit boards in your system. Parent page: マルチボードの設計システム. Whether based upon expertise or to facilitate efficient PCB design and development there are times when multiple designers work on different aspects of a single design.


Altium designer 17 multiboard free download


Cable — the connection is represented by a physical cable with terminating connectors that mate to the board connectors at each Module Entry.

Harness — the connection is represented by a physical harness with terminating connectors that mate to the board connectors at each Module Entry. Select a Connection type on the Active Bar located at the top of the design space. Click and hold an Active Bar button to access other connection commands. Placement After launching the command, the cursor will change to a cross-hair, indicating connection placement mode.

For all types of Connections, placement is made by performing the following actions: Hover the cursor over a Module Entry’s connection indicator orange circle , which will change to a green circle to indicate a valid connection point.

Click to confirm the Connection line’s starting point. Reposition the cursor then click to place a series of vertex points that define the path of the wire.

Position the cursor over the destination Module Entry connection point then click to complete the Connection line path. Continue placing further Connections between other Module Entry pairs, or right-click or press Esc to exit placement mode. The default settings for the types of Connection objects are available in the Multi-board Schematic – Defaults page of the Preferences dialog.

Cable and Harness connectors are assigned in the Multi-board schematic editor and can be included in the Multi-board Bill of Materials.

The other elements that make up the cable or harness assembly cannot be included on the Multi-board schematic, but can be included directly in the BomDoc by creating Manual Solutions in ActiveBOM. Alternatively, there are resources available that demonstrate how cable design can be achieved in the schematic editor.

For example, this video created by the team at Nine Dot Connects shows how to create the elements in a cable and design the cable in the schematic editor. The Connection properties can be accessed prior to entering placement mode, from the Multi-board Schematic — Defaults page of the Preferences dialog.

This allows the default properties for the Connection object to be changed, which will be applied when placing subsequent Connections. Connection Properties. The property settings for each type of object are defined in two different ways: Pre-placement settings — most Connection object properties, or those that can logically be pre-defined, are available as editable default settings on the Multi-board Schematic – Defaults page of the Preferences dialog access from the button at the top-right of the design space.

Select the object in the Primitive List to reveal its options on the right. Post-placement settings — all Connection object properties are available for editing in the Properties panel when a placed Connection is selected in the design space. The Cable Connection object default settings in the Preferences dialog and the Wire Connection mode of the Properties panel A Connection is the general term used for the four types of physical interconnections that may be applied between child board designs modules in multi-board schematic documents.

In the below properties listing, options that are not available as default settings in the Preferences dialog are noted as; ‘ Properties panel only’. Ideally this will be a design space where you can define both the functional, or logical system, as well as a space where you can plug together the various boards and verify that they connect correctly, both logically and physically. The overall system design is created in Altium Designer as a Multi-board project. Within that project, the logical system design is drawn up by placing Modules on a Multi-board schematic, where each physical board in the system is represented by a Module.

Each Module references the PCB project and the board within that project. Once the Modules have been connected to each other on the Multi-board schematic, the board-to-board connectivity can be verified. This will detect net-to-pin assignment errors and pin-to-pin interconnection wiring errors. These errors can be resolved and corrections pushed down into the affected PCB projects, or bought back up to the source system schematic. A second click will flip the view over, looking down the same axis from the other direction.

The table below gives more details about the various behaviors. Use the Workspace Gizmo to change the orientation of your view. Many of the view movements you can perform are not referenced from the workspace axes, instead, they are referenced to your current view. Your current view is referred to as the Current View Plane, it is the plane you are currently seeing looking into your monitor. For example, when you zoom in the workspace contents are bought closer to you, regardless of the current angle of the workspace axes.

Your current view can be changed using mouse and keyboard shortcuts. The View Configuration panel is used to configure the color and workspace visibility options in the Multi-board Assembly editor. It is also used to control the display of the section view, and the section panels.

The Multi-board Assembly editor’s View Configuration panel. In the Multi-board Assembly editor, each workspace axis, and its corresponding plane, is assigned a color:.

A Section View is a view that can be used to reveal detail within an assembly, that might normally not be visible. This is achieved by defining a plane where a section of the assembly is cut.

The Multi-board Assembly editor supports defining a section plane along each of the 3 axes, allowing the section definition to be in 1, 2, or 3 directions. The color of each section plane is configured in the System Colors section of this panel. Each layer includes a small color button, click this to display the color selector, as shown below. Certain workspace features such as Selection , can be displayed or hidden. Click the eye icon to toggle the visibility off and on.

A section view is one that can be used to reveal detail within an assembly that might normally not be visible. This is achieved by defining planes where a section of the assembly is sliced or cut away. The multi-board assembly editor supports defining a section plane along each of the three axes, allowing the section definition to be in 1, 2, or 3 directions.

In Edit mode, the Section Planes are displayed; each plane is indicated by a colored semi-transparent surface radiating away from the Section View origin. The Section View origin is defined by the three colored arrows, referred to as the Section View Gizmo. You can enable their display and configure their direction in the View Configuration panel in the Section View region.

A simple example of a Section View. Hover the cursor over the image to switch from Edit mode to On mode. Depending on the location of the assembly in the workspace, the entire assembly may disappear be cut away when Section View mode is enabled.

Switch the Section View to Edit mode to display the Section Planes, then click and drag on the Section View Gizmo to move the section view plane s to the required location. You also can load additional objects into a multi-board assembly as well as the PCBs referenced in the multi-board schematic. Additional objects referred to as parts can be loaded using the Design menu or by using the buttons located at the top of the Multi-board Assembly panel.

Note that a part is inserted into the multi-board assembly as a single entity. In this situation, you need to insert each half into the assembly separately. Alternatively, right-click on a part entry in the Multiboard Assembly panel then choose Locked.

If a part or 3D body added into an assembly has been updated, the update can be loaded into the multi-board assembly using one of the following actions:.

An assembly or PCB edit session can be launched from within the multi-board assembly editor. After launching the command, you will enter part editing mode, with the selected PCB zoomed and centered where possible to fit within the main design window. The board will remain displayed in its full coloring, with all other boards grayed-out read-only. The view of the design space will return to fit all boards in the assembly, with the board that was being edited remaining selected.

If you want to cancel editing without implementing any of the changes, use the Cancel Part Editing command. Using Altium Documentation. Use the View » Toggle Units command from the main menus or the Q shortcut to toggle the units between imperial and metric. Each entity, or item in a Multi-board assembly is referred to as a Part.

Altium Community. Education Programs. Examples と Reference Designs のダウンロード. Modified by Admin on Aug 23, Language Download Examples and Reference Designs.